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Sponsor a Classroom

You can enrich the life of a student living with special needs and support “I Did It!”  moments that happen outside of the arena.


TEC offers two school programs that combine in-classroom and hands-on learning through the use of equine-related activities.  These programs use cowboys, horses, and the “Code of the West” to teach students positive behavior through the principles of teamwork, attitude, courage, safety, success, respect, and good choices.  Both programs consist of several weeks of lessons taught at the school by a TEC volunteer followed by hands-on activities at the TEC barn that incorporate and reinforce principles taught in the classroom.  On average, one classroom program costs $500 for six weeks of instruction and one day at the barn. 


Learn more about TEC’s school programs



Ready to make more “I Did It!” moments happen for students?  Sponsor a classroom today!

Questions about donating?

Contact: Autumn Zick

Phone: (269) 429-0671



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