Fun Activities for Horse Lovers & More

Can't Get to TEC
Is a virus keeping you away? Has bad weather cancelled lessons? Or are you simply looking to have some horse fun? No matter the reason, we hope these fun activities will perk up your day and help you to stay positive during difficult times.
Activity #1 - Coloring Page Fun
Click on and download one or more of the coloring pages below. Color it in and share it with TEC. Post it on our Facebook page, e-mail it to the barn, or snail mail it to our P.O. Box. We'll periodically post coloring pages on our Facebook page and at the barn for all to enjoy.
Festive Holiday Coloring Page Fun ...
Click on and download the holiday coloring page below. Color it in and share it with TEC. Post it on our Facebook page, e-mail it to the barn, or snail mail it to our P.O. Box. We'll periodically post coloring pages on our Facebook page and at the barn for all to enjoy.
Activity #2 - Learn Fun Facts About Horses
Check out the Ready Set Trot website to learn interesting facts about horses and play some Games with Gee Gee.

Activity #3 - Play Horse Games
Play. Learn. Ride. Visit Allpony website to play a variety of horse games, take horsemanship quizzes, and more.

Activity #4 - Take a Virtual Field Trip
Travel beyond the doors of your home. Click here to enjoy the sights and adventures shared by Mrs. Fahrney.

Activity #5 - Take Part in My Horse University, Horse 101
This program is ideal for horse owners, managers, and horse enthusiasts worldwide. My Horse University provides a comprehensive and convenient learning experience from the comfort of your computer. The self-paced, independent learning program feature courses that include: Breeds & Identification of Horses, Purchasing & Owning a Horse 101, Trail Riding 101, and much more.

Activity #6 - Create an Activity Schedule
Know the saying, "make lemonade out of lemons"? Here's a new one for you. Turn grapes into good vibes and positive thoughts. Download this Activity Schedule Using G.R.A.P.E.S. to develop a new routine and manage stress.
Activity #7 - We Miss You! Do you miss TEC?
Are you missing TEC? Yes! Let us know why. Download our story page, color in the "share the love", write a story about why you're missing TEC, and share it with us. Post it on our Facebook page, e-mail it to the barn, or snail mail it to our P.O. Box. We'll periodically post your story to our Facebook page and at the barn for all to enjoy.
Activity #8 - Spread the Word, Share Your Love for TEC
Want to share your love of TEC with others? Click here to visit our Spread the Word page for ideas and tools. Together we can change lives and make more "I Did It!" moments happen. THANK YOU!

Activity #9 - Take a Car-less Trip Around West Michigan
(Courtesy of West Michigan Tourist Association)
Have you ever built a puzzle online? Here’s your chance, click here to browse through the 27 online puzzles featuring highlights from across West Michigan, including Silver Beach Carousel, St. Joseph Today, Harbor Country, Grand Rapids Children’s Museum, Mackinac Island, and more.
From Sault Ste. Marie in the upper peninsula to Battle Creek in lower Michigan, enjoy the sights from 12 live camera galleries. Click here to travel about West Michigan.
Enjoy coloring? Select a coloring page to download. One of the pages features an elephant from the Silver Beach Carousel.
Need a new recipe to enjoy? Check out this West Michigan Cooks at Home cookbook featuring favorites from locations across West Michigan, including recipes like – Rub for All Things Pork from Greenbush Brewing Company in Sawyer, Detroit Style Pizza from Journeyman’s Distillery in Three Oaks, Beet-Red Sunset Salmon with Miso, Maple, and Roasted Fennel from Harbor Country Chamber of Commerce, Apple Crisp with The Dutch Touch from the Dutch Farm Market in South Haven, Red Sangria from Dablon Winery & Vineyards in Baroda, and many other delicious dishes.
Need More Ideas for Fun?
Check out these "52 Creative Ideas for 52 Weeks of Fun" from Champion Creatively Alive Children, which is a program sponsored by Crayola and the National Association of Elementary School Principals, in partnership with the National Art Education Association and the Partnership for 21st Century Skills.