Join Our Team Today!

You Can Be a Part of TEC's Ever Growing Story
A great story starts with a few key elements … A strong plot, beautiful setting, and heartfelt characters. Our plot has been evolving since 2006 but the core remains the same and that is to provide a year-round facility for people with disabilities to build stronger minds, bodies, and spirits through horse-related activities. And there’s no doubt our story’s setting is absolutely beautiful since we get to work with amazing animals in a country setting. Our horses are the heart and soul of the organization but it’s the characters of our story that truly make it memorable. From our handful of paid staff to our troop of volunteers, it’s these characters working together that ensure our participants achieve their “I Did It!” moments for their own story. You can be a part of the TEC story and help us to continuing building on the foundation of how it all began. Join our team today!
Current Job Openings:
None at this time.
Always Needed, Always Appreciated ... VOLUNTEERS:
TEC has a variety of volunteer opportunities available. Most positions require no experience; though, you must be at least 14-years old. Training is provided by TEC. We need volunteers who can lend a hand for an hour or two, or to serve as substitutes. Currently, we are in most need of volunteers for our therapeutic riding lessons, Camp TEC, the Mane Event, and barn and horse cores, which includes the following positions:
Concierge – This person welcomes participants and guests to the barn for lessons/events, checks them in, and reviews the COVID questionnaire with them.
Horse Leader – This person is responsible for leading the horse during lessons.
Sidewalker – This person is responsible for assisting the participant with grooming of their horse, mounting and dismounting their horse, and working with the participant during the lesson. Physical assistance and stabilization may be required as well for the participant.
AM & PM Barn Chore Help – Tasks involved include feeding the horses, filling their water buckets, cleaning their stalls, turning them out into the pastures in the morning and returning them to their stalls in the evening. Click here to view a flyer with more info.
Lawn care & maintenance – We have plenty of grass that needs to be cut and various maintenance projects around the barn as well. Equipment is provided, though, donations towards gas are greatly appreciated.
Join our team today by completing the Volunteer Application and then sign up by contacting TEC at (269) 845-9581.
It's a bit outdated and in the process of being updated but here's our Volunteer Handbook to give you an idea of what is involved in being a TEC Volunteer.